BDV 4C - Entrepreneurship: E-commerce and Digital business planning

Entrepreneurship: E-commerce and Digital business planning

This course provides students with an opportunity to develop and apply entrepreneurial skills through the creation of a business plan. Students will also use website creation, social media best practices and other digital tools to capitalize on the potential of e-commerce for their business. They will identify an opportunity in their personal area of strength and complete a venture plan and digital platform for their business.

1) E-Commerce and Venture Planning:

  •  Modern small businesses need a positive internet presence that fits with their customer’s needs, is reliable and secure.
2) The Venture Concept:
  • Matching your own skills with an area of need for your customers is crucial in developing a successful start-up idea.
3) Developing a Venture Plan:
  • Computer templates are excellent tools to complete a business plan once an opportunity has been identified and researched.
4) Targeting Customers:
  • Successful companies know their customer really well and know how to reach them with both traditional advertising and Social Media tools.
5) Start-up and Operations
  • The business plan is a starting point, however real understanding of the demands of running a business only come with experience.
Course Outline

Unit 1
What is eCommerce and Why does it Matter?

Unit 1 Slideshow
Business Card Handout
Canadian Website Evaluation Project
Unit Culminating Presentation
Local Business Website Critiques:

Unit 2
Your Idea - Design thinking to Solve a Problem

Unit 2 Slideshow
Unit 1 and 2 TEST
Thursday, Oct. 18

  • 35 M/C + T/F
  • 4 short answer - choose 3 (one will be a Break Even Calculation)
  • 1 long answer case involving giving advice for a business website.

Unit 3 
Your Business Plan

Unit 3 Slideshow

Short Business Plan template (For completion while we work through Slideshow.)

Unit 4
Your Website and Social Media Campaign

Unit 4 Slideshow

Unit 5
Operations, Sales and Growth

Unit 5 Slideshow
Link to Course Marketplace Hub

Course Culminating Project

Business Plan Template Options for Part 1